
Hello world! This is it. I've always wanted to blog. I don't want no fame but just to let myself heard. No! Just to express myself. So, I don't really care if someone believes in what I'm going to write here nor if ever someone gets interested reading it. My blogs may be a novel-like, a one-liner, it doesn't matter. Still, I'm willing to listen to your views, as long as it justifies mine... Well, enjoy your stay, and I hope you'll learn something new because I just did and sharing it with you.. Welcome!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Scripting 101: Shell Script that uses Perl

Good morning (very sleepy now!).. I promised to myself that I will modify the script that we're using to generate a report. I'm not familiar - yet - with the contents but the thing is, we run this manually every night and then copy it to another directory which make it available to the user/s. It's just another basic modification but I added some "twists" a safety pre-caution or stop unwanted operation - well, that's what I wish, at least.

The main script was made by "Someone Else" (There! I ain't saying it's mine.). In time, I'll interpret the Perl part here.

#! /usr/bin/sh

# This is a modified version.
# Author: Someone Else
# Modified by: ME
# Renamed:
# Date: 23 May, 2009
# Version: 1

CSV_DATE=`date | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}'`
FILE_DATE=`date '+%d_%m_%y'`
LIST_DATE=`date | awk '{print $2,$3}'`
export all

# On top of the original script, hour condition was placed to make sure that it runs only after 17:59 daily.
if [ `date +%H` -gt "17" ]

cd $SCRIPTDIR || {
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Can't change to $SCRIPTDIR; Please \
check permissions..." $EMAIL_ADD
exit $E_NOTCD

# This generates the reports; the heart of the script
for H_LIST in `cat $HOSTS`
echo "Extracting bad names from P2PS: $H_LIST"

# No more manual intervention in changing the dates (CSV_DATE was used - from current date)
rsh $H_LIST cat /path/to/some.log* | grep \
"$CSV_DATE" | grep ptrade | perl -n -e \
'if (m/^.* ([0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*).*Open Failure for (\(.*:.*\)) \
by (\(.*\)) at (\(.*\/net\)).*/) {$_= "$1,$2,$3,$4"; $_ =~ s/[\)|\(]//g;\
print "$_\n";}' > /var/tmp/PT_BadRequests.$H_LIST.csv

sleep 1

echo "Copying /var/tmp/PT_BadRequests.$H_LIST.csv /var/tmp/jf"
cp /var/tmp/PT_BadRequests.$H_LIST.csv /var/tmp/jf
echo "Copy completed for $H_LIST"

sleep 3

chmod 666 /var/tmp/jf/PT_*

rm /tmp/PT_BadNames_*
rm /some/httpd/html/PT_BadNames*

tar cvf /tmp/PT_BadNames_$FILE_DATE.tar ./PT*csv
compress /tmp/PT_BadNames*.tar
cp /tmp/PT_BadNames* /some/httpd/html
chmod 666 /some/httpd/html/PT_BadNames*

sleep 2

rm /tmp/PT_BadNames*
rm /var/tmp/jf/PT_BadReq*

# This was added to copy the newly generated CSVs from /var/tmp to /app/httpd/html site
if cd /var/tmp
for csv in `ls -l *csv | grep PT_BadRequests | grep "$LIST_DATE" \
| awk '{print $9}'`
cp -p $csv /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/
ls -l /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/$csv

# On completion, a mail will be sent to intended recipient/s.
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Bad Name PRIMETRADE Report is DONE" $EMAIL_ADD
exit $E_OK

/usr/bin/mailx -s "Can't change to /var/tmp; Please check \
permissions..." $EMAIL_ADD
exit $E_NOTCD


echo "Not yet..."
exit $E_OTHER

Also, if this script is run manually, which uses csh, copying each file would be "tedious". So, I made a FOR-loop to do it - very basic but syntax is tricky.

% set LIST_DATE=`date +%b" "%d`
% foreach csv (`ls -l /var/tmp/*csv | grep PT_BadRequests | grep "$LIST_DATE" | awk '{print $9}'`)
? do
? cp -p $csv /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/
? ls -l /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/$csv
? end

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