
Hello world! This is it. I've always wanted to blog. I don't want no fame but just to let myself heard. No! Just to express myself. So, I don't really care if someone believes in what I'm going to write here nor if ever someone gets interested reading it. My blogs may be a novel-like, a one-liner, it doesn't matter. Still, I'm willing to listen to your views, as long as it justifies mine... Well, enjoy your stay, and I hope you'll learn something new because I just did and sharing it with you.. Welcome!

Monday, December 29, 2008

UPDATED: Veritas NetBackup Tutorial: some troubleshooting commands, etc.

Supposedly, I'll let several days to pass by before making this follow up but I was thinking, it could turn into weeks or even months before I can find time. So, before that happens, I'm going to publish the sequel this early. I don't know but, at times, no, often, I easily forget the details about things BUT it won't take time before I remember it anyway. Just a bit of focus and re-channeling of some energies and time and am back on track again. Ok, 'nuff with the gibberish.. moving forward...

Very early today, I laid down the basic config and executable files needed by NBU to run, at least in a UNIX environment. What's next are some basic troubleshooting commands that you might find useful in finding errors [code] generated by failure, or determine the culprit behind it.

And before we proceed any further, you may find it missing, i.e. topic about installation. As of this writing, I don't have a background in NBU installation. My experience is mostly on the maintenance part. So, please spare me of such questions. But just like any eager student, I'm always willing to learn and craves for knowledge.. at times!


I'll try to group these according to scenarios when they're needed but no guarantees.

# bpadm = text-based user interface; much quicker than jnbSA [Java-based]; can be used for restoration

# vmoprcmd -d = list of tape drives that are busy with active jobs; status [TLD, TLD-DOWN, AVR, PEND-TLD]; tapes mounted on to drive

# vmoprcmd -hoststatus -h hostname = should get similar o/p as below

Host `hostname` is ACTIVE

# vmoprcmd -h hostname -dps = will report if drive is SHARED; status should be UP

# vmdareq -driveinfo = check which drive is RESERVED or AVAILABLE

# tpconfig -d = tape device files configured for the machine and its status; helpful in identifying EMM

# robtest = to run SCSI pass-through commands; scans drive within library to find empty/full slot IDs; unloading and/or moving tapes across

# bptestbpcd -host hostname [-client clientname] [ -verbose | -debug] = check communication between client and server; to find communication problem; can be executed either from Master or Client

# vmquery -m [-ev in version 3.4] mediaID = tape density, slot number, volume pool assigned, tape location [on/offsite], vault session ID for tape location if offsite; please take note of the result robot type, if it is set to TLD-Tape Library, the tape is in silo, otherwise, it'll show NONE- Not Robotic which is the opposite

# vmquery -h hostname -b -pn Scratch | grep -i TLD | grep -i HCART [| 3] | grep -i E | wc -l = this is for checking of scratch tapes where the hostname is the server where the robot resides or being controlled; Scratch refers to the pool name

# bpgetmedia -p Scratch [| wc -l]

EH0466 8 800 20

EH0901 8 800 20


# echo "s d" | tldtest -r /dev/rac/c10t6d0 | grep mediaID = checks for media availability in the robot; -r here refers to the device file/path of the robot [at least for HP-UX]; this shows the drive ["s d"] or ["s s"] for slot

# tpclean -C drivenumber = clean a drive

# vmcheckxxx -rt tld -rn robotnumber = lists the tapes [TLD] currently in the robot; will use current host if neither -h hostname nor -rh robothost is specified

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -report | grep clientname | grep policyname | grep schedule = generates a report of jobs that are done - successful or not, queued, and/or active

# bperror -jobid jobnumber_from_bpdbjobs_o/p -U = provides details about a particular job that ran; usually includes the files/directories being backed up, media used, and error - if failed

# bperror -L -backstat -columns -hours_ago HH | awk '{if (/CLIENT/) ORS="\n" ; else ORS=" "} {print $0}' | grep -i clientname | awk '{print $1, $2, $4, $5, $6, $12, $14, $16, $17, $18, $19}' | grep -i policyname = this is an alternative way of getting the error code from logs

# bpdbjobs [-restart | -cancel | -cancel_all] jobID_number

# telnet clientname bpcd = to check if bpcd daemon is accepting connection; usually executed from Master

# netstat -an | grep -i bpcd = should return bpcd with LISTEN status; see previous blog [and click the Google ads as well, he he]

# bpclntcmd [-ip IP_of_Master | -hn hostname_of_Master] -pn = hostname resolution; resolve multiple host interfaces on clients

# bpplclients | grep -i clientname = lists the client - if present - that is assigned to the Master
# bppllist | grep -i policy_pattern = shows the list of policies accdg. to pattern
# bppllist -byclient clientname -U = lists the policy defined or being used by a particular client
# bppllist policy_name -L -U = a detailed display of properties of a particular policy
# bpdbm -ctime 1161224987 = this will convert it to common format of date and time
1161224987 = Thu Oct 19 10:29:47 2006
# bpimagelist -client clientname -backupid clientname_numberFromANF = I'm not sure if ANF setup is true for all
# bpimagelist -client clientname -d MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm -e MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm -U [-m mediaID] [-L] = this is executed from the Master; checks for saved images from the date specified; note that images saved here are may be limited [not sure 'though depending on the infra setup]
# bpmedialist -U mcontents -m mediaID = list media contents
# bpmedia [-freeze | -unfreeze | -suspend] -ev mediaID
# bpexpdate -d 0 -ev mediaID -force = expire a tape

And lastly, you can run a manual backup as:

# echo "/var/opt" > /home/user01/nbfile
# bpbackup -i -c classname -s schedule -L /path/to/log/file -f /home/user01/nbfile


# bpbackup -p policyname -s schedule -L /path/to/log/file /usr/openv/netbackup/bp*

You might be interested on the what tape device files means such as this:


BEST = operational capabilities required including the highest density/format and data compression, if supported
n = no rewind
b = Berkeley style; after file closes, tape is not repositioned in anyway

Please note that this was added on 31 December, 2008 @ 17:53:35...

I almost forgot regarding ejecting a tape, which is as crucial as any other task. I'm not sure but I knew I read it somewhere: eject the tape on the robot first before doing it via `nbmenu`. Anyway - sorry, I accept the fact that I do forget things, often -, here is the way to do it:

1. Access the robot via `robtest` [careful with this command, for it can do nasty things to your robot].
2. Before doing anything stupid, please consider the tape if NOT used by other backup jobs.
3. Select from the classification of tapes you want to move [TLD 0, etc.].
4. Execute the following:

"s d" - to check on the contents of the tape drives or identify the drives that has tape (Contains Cartridge =yes, Barcode = XXXXX)
"s s" - check on the content of the library or identify the empty slots (re-inventory)
"m d# s#" - move the tape from drive to slot
"s d" - to verify that the drive is empty after move
"s s" - to verify that the slot has the tape

5. Quit.
6. Now, you can go to the NBU level - which is pretty straightforward - to eject the tape via textual user interface [nbmenu] or CLI:

vmchange -h Master -multi_eject -res -ml list_of_tapes_delimited_by_colon -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -rh MM -sc -verbose

So I guess, this is it. Hope it will help. If you find anything wrong with these tutorials or guides [means, included are the previous], please do leave a message, and I'd be more than happy to check and learn from it. Parking..

Veritas NetBackup Tutorial: config, executable files

Previously on Netbackup [cool; sounds like Heroes]... we discussed the overview on how NBU works. Going forward, we'll do check out the directories and files needed and/or configured for it to work.

Well, the one of the most - IF not the most - important files is bp.conf located in /usr/openv/netbackup. This file [which can be found accross setup] tells how a machine is configured: Master, Media Manager, and/or Client. Please also note that a machine can be configured as follows:



And here is a sample of a basic entry:

$ more /usr/open/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER=[name of Master]
SERVER=[name of Media Manager]

...[list of other servers]

EMMSERVER=[name of EMM; mostly Master - depending on setup]

CLIENT_NAME=[name of Client; depending on the role as defined above]

... [additional options follows]

Another config file you might want to check-up is /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf which contains:


In addition to these files, we are also considering native UNIX files and ensure that they're properly configured to allow NBU to run:

/etc/services - defines service names and corresponding ports
/dev - device files directory which will identify the robots and tapes

Forgive me, I've been busy with specifics and gravely forgot the parent of it all. Almost all of the files: config and commands are located in /usr/openv for Unices or [install directory]\VERITAS for Windows.

So what we're talking here are:

../netbackup - contains NBU, VolMgr binaries, NBU DB
../db/data - EMM & NB databases
../netbackup/db - NBU DB of class, schedules, images, etc.
../netbackup/logs - log files

Here are the daemons, in addition to what was listed before:

tldd - started with ltid robotic daemon one on each MM server
tldcd - started with ltid; talks to the robot
bpbrm - backup and restore manager
bptm - tape manager
bpdm - disk manager
avrd - bar code reader

Next, we'll go to basic troubleshooting of common issues encountered.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Veritas NetBackup Tutorial: overview

It's been a very long time.. always is. The hard part for this kind of blog is you only get to write when something interesting pops up or an error was encountered [and you get to solve it - right] or a new experience.

Well, I never really had the time to internalize this software when I was working with it some few months ago, in my previous job. Just last week [not true anymore; the time here is relative to when I was preparing for a interview - published December 28, 2008 @ 16:19.xx], our paths has crossed, again.

The sudden interest rose from a technical panel [or panel technical?] interview that I've been through. Well, I was satisfied with the result for at least I was able to address all the issues that they've thrown at me, 3 of them. You can't help it but even though I was advised that it has something to do with Veritas NetBackup [NBU], it always will cross with UNIX or Linux. Surprisingly, including myself, I have at least a deeper basic understanding of how NBU works than ever before [and I hope that this is right].

Please note that this so-called tutorial is more aimed to those who have worked with or working with NetBackup yet do not understand how it works. And another thing is, this is on how I understand how it works, which is not necessarily true. But so far, no one questions it, so it must be true. Before it'll cause you giddiness, let's proceed...

****** START ******
In order for a successful backup to run, in NBU environment, we need to complete The Triangle - Master, Media Manager, and Client - well on its simple state. 'Though we also have another entity such as Enterprise Media Manager or EMM server, this can be integrated into the Master, depending on your infra if it needs it to [I'm not going through definition of these so please do your part and read on other articles ;)].

Basically, all the schedules [and catalogs - valid images of a client, archiving, and restorations] are stored in the Master server. If I'm not mistaken, this is being handled by nbpem daemon which checks for backup due to all clients or makes a list for each policy that are due to run and submits it to nbjm. nbjm in turn, gets the necessary resource by coordinating with nbrb to start the backup. nbrb is responsible for allocation of resource to a job with the help of nbemm - holds the info about media and device configurations. Daemons discussed belongs to what we call Intelligent Resource Manager (IRM - resides in Master) who's working together with EMM to schedule and allocate resources for the job.

There are other daemons but I'll not go through each discussing each, however, here are some [take note of the version of your NBU, there might be some daemons that were replaced, so check out the docs]:

Master: bpcd, bpcompatd, bpdbm, ltid, nbnos, nbrd, nbsl, nbsvcmon, vmd, and pbx_exchange
Media Manager: bpcd, bpcompatd, ltid, nbnos, nbsl, nbsvcmon, vmd, pbx_exchange
Client: bpcd

Note that bpcd is the only daemon that runs on Client.
Check using:
$ netstat -an | grep -i bpcd
tcp 0 0 *.bpcd *.* LISTEN

Next up: IRM tells the Media Manager [handles the robot/tape silo] or MM to assign drive and gather data from the Client. So MM, requests the Client for the image of backup, which generates it, and sends back. Media Manager tells the Robotic Control [Robot Tape Library/Silo - I'm not sure it they're a single entity] to find a tape and mount it, afterwhich, MM sends the data to the tape.
****** END ******

That is the general picture of how backup is iniated and done. Again, I'd like to raise that these are my understanding, and I'm doing [when time permits] other reading and may modify this from time to time to correct info. But I always welcome comments: corrections, etc. which will benefit - hopefully - us all.

Note: This is not all my idea. I've read from other articles but forgot the url but thanks to whoever wrote and provided me such materials.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Filesystem extention - fsadm errno2

Hi, This will be my first contribution for my friend's blog site. Well, This is just another urgent file system increase for other team restoration task. Basically what happen was after I extended the VG and about to extend the LV an error occurred indicating "vxfs fsadm: cannot open /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA/lost+found/.fsadm - errno 2".

The issue was resolved by recreating the lost+found then re-executing the fsadm.

lvextend -L 20000 /dev/vg_A6C_00/lv_mirrlogA
Logical volume "/dev/vg_A6C_00/lv_mirrlogA" has been successfully extended.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_A6C_00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_A6C_00.conf

fsadm -b 20000m /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA
fsadm: /etc/default/fs is used for determining the file system type
vxfs fsadm: cannot open /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA/lost+found/.fsadm - errno 2

cd /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA

creating slots...
removing dummy files...
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 4096 Oct 15 10:59 /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA/lost+found

fsadm -b 20000m /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA
fsadm: /etc/default/fs is used for determining the file system type
fsadm: /dev/vg_A6C_00/rlv_mirrlogA is currently 5120000 sectors - size will be increased

bdf /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA
Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
20480000 4102261 15354200 21% /oracle/A6C/mirrlogA

Monday, September 29, 2008

Unicenter Autosys: job scheduling tool

I was sad and excited, may be li'l bit happy, when I started with my new work. Sad for am going to miss colleagues, the Neptune project in whole, except the SAP team - no love lost, among others. Excited for a new challenge looms; I thought.

I was useless/worthless in my team for the whole month - FICC IT PTF, whatever that means; while the team comprises: Indian, Chinese, locals [Singaporean], and us - Pinoy. Lucky for us, one of the shift leads or station managers is a Pinoy; I call him The Director - I find the job bit boring. It may be because I still don't have the access on other applications but, it could be the job is - as my shift lead puts it - for kindergarten. Sorry, just quoting. It makes me miss my SYSSUPPORT access. But, of course, this doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop writing about UNIX. Nada! It's a continuous learning. Next target: Solaris and RHEL. We got books here, as well as, CBTs.

On the side note, I came to learn a new application. It's the Unicenter Autosys - a job scheduling tool. Just like the Control-M, the one that we use before. It's just like a cron job, with conditions that can be set in order for that job to run. As for my job, in our team, tickets are assigned via "tasks". You are assigned tasks to be done on certain time [with or without SLA]. So, everyone has got something to do. You can't run, you can't hide!

As for the Autosys, we use it to check on jobs if they run successfully or otherwise. As mentioned, jobs should meet certain conditions before it will be executed. Such conditions ranges from time to dependencies to other jobs. I'll post here next time some results from my tasks. As for the meantime, please read on Unicenter Autosys.

The "as for now" is over. I "stole" some results from the tasks assigned to me today. You may have read about it but here is the example:

user101@server202> aj IRS_server203_EOD-EUR

Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit
__________________ _____________ _____________ __ _______ ___

IRS_server203_EOD-EUR 09/30/2008 21:00 09/30/2008 21:11 SU 24773663/1
user101@server202> aj IRS_server203_EOD-EUR -q

/* ----------------- IRS_server203_EOD-EUR ----------------- */

insert_job: IRS_server203_EOD-EUR job_type: c
command: $$XXX/Scripts/Autosys/
machine: server203
#owner: XXX
permission: gx,mx
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr
start_times: "21:00"
description: "Rerun=0;663;Chat : XXX ; DL-xxx-yyy , DL-zzz-aaa"
std_err_file: $$XXX/Scripts/Autosys/Logs/IRS_server203_EOD-EUR.err
min_run_alarm: 1
max_run_alarm: 10
alarm_if_fail: 1
timezone: US/Eastern
user101@server202> aj IRS_server203_EOD-EUR -r -1

Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit
__________________ _____________ _____________ __ _______ ___

IRS_server203_EOD-EUR 09/29/2008 21:00 09/29/2008 21:13 SU 24728737/1

You might wonder about the "aj" command, and you may not find it anywhere. Before chaos reigns in our midst, it's just an alias for "autorep -J".

Here, another example - a running job:

user101@server202> aj FI_
Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit
_______________ _____________ ____________ __ _______ ___

FI_FCTxx_DownStream_BOX 09/30/2008 21:29 ----- RU 24767669/1
FCTxx_Settlement 09/30/2008 21:29 ----- RU 24767669/1
FCTxx_JetBase 09/30/2008 21:30 09/30/2008 21:31 SU 24767669/1
FCTxx_JetBase_SFtp 09/11/2008 21:38 09/11/2008 21:38 OI 24115468/1
FCTxx_Socrates 09/30/2008 21:29 09/30/2008 21:30 SU 24767669/1
FCTxx_Socrates_SFtp 09/30/2008 21:30 09/30/2008 21:31 SU 24767669/1
FCTxx_MRC 09/30/2008 21:29 09/30/2008 21:30 SU 24767669/1
FCTxx_MRC_SFtp 09/30/2008 21:30 09/30/2008 21:31 SU 24767669/1
FCTxx_CPVar_SFtp 09/30/2008 21:30 09/30/2008 21:31 SU 24767669/1

user101@server202> job_depends -c -J FI_
Start Dependent
Job Name Status Date Cond? Cond? Jobs?
-------- ------ --------------- ----- ---------
FCTxx_Settlement RUNNING No No No

job_depends -d -J FI_
Job Dependency Report

Job Name Date Cond? Atomic Start Conditions
______________________ _______________ ________________

FCTxx_Settlement ------- -------

Microsoft’s take on virtualization: re-print edition

By Anna Valmero
First Posted 18:51:00 09/26/2008

MANILA, Philippines -- “The IT industry is in the middle of the next paradigm shift toward virtualization,” said Bill Hilf, general manager of Windows Server and Platform Strategy for Microsoft Corp. Hilf visited the Philippines Friday to promote the release of Microsoft’s virtualization software in the country.

Virtualization, as defined by Microsoft, means having the power to run multiple systems, such as server, storage device, network or even an operating system and applications in just one machine, making a business run its system more efficiently. This virtualization trend comes at the right time to harness the processing power of multi-core processors being deployed in the industry.

As the next trend to shape the IT industry, virtualization can revolutionize the use of computing machines, said Hilf.

A virtualized box can run multiple operating systems compared to a traditional server without virtualization that can handle only one operating system. By deploying virtual machines, one box can serve the function achieved previously by two or more boxes without virtualization. This is also true for desktops.

“Virtualization leads to a lot of savings,” said Hilf.

First, the savings can come from lesser space to be occupied by boxes with virtualization. By having lesser boxes, this also reduces the costs required to cool the server systems. Cooling is required to remove the heat from the server environment, which when reduced translates to lower power utilities. A company can also cut the number of servers it needs to acquire for its business since one box running virtualization can serve the function of two or more servers. Virtualization software packs also offer bulk licensing, as in the case of Microsoft’s premium software products, thus bringing down licensing costs.

Another advantage of virtualization is the ability of a single machine to handle previous-generation applications while running modern applications. This is specifically beneficial to businesses that maintain servers to run old legacy applications.

“By being able to run these old legacy applications on a new, better-performance server, it will help save a lot of money,” Hilf said. Organizations thus achieve better management efficiencies in its resources.

Aside from being able to run multiple operating systems on one desktop, how can the common business person benefit from virtualization?

Explains Hilf: “Imagine this: You have a small device, maybe a laptop or just a small box. Through virtualization, you are able to access via streaming your required applications from a remote server. Technology such as Microsoft's Remote Display Protocol streams keystrokes and mouse clicks to the server and a view of the screen back to the user, who can be located hundreds of miles away from the server or desktop.”

Simply, it can allow users to access a remote PC when he is offsite.

Link: Microsoft’s take on virtualization.

I was surprised when I saw and read this article. What the *&%$?!? This is already an "old" [relatively] thing. You should check and get VMWare instead. Well, what's the connection with HP-UX in particular? This can be done on the hardware level: node partitioning [npar]; 'though there is such as virtual partitioning [vpar].

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE

This may not be your regular error but this is quite useful especially for those who have SAN implementation in their infra [SC21948063]. When we did receive a call from the customer[?], we were compelled to investigate on the raised issue. Basically, I myself, ain't familiar with this. But since this calls for investigation, I accepted the ticket without second thought. Ahhh, ticket! Well I checked first if the box went on a maintenance. So, I did: `uptime`, `date`, `who -r`. Then I came to check for the syslog [HP-UX]; and HW scan [`ioscan -fnCfc`]. Well [why do I use this word too often?!? Well, I don't know either!], there are interesting entries that I found.

# uptime
11:22am up 323 days, 15:45, 3 users, load average: 0.51, 0.37, 0.31

# date
Mon Aug 18 11:22:05 EDT 2008

# who -r
. run-level 4 Sep 29 19:37 4 0 S

# cat /home/user001/fc_20080818.log
Info for /dev/fcd0

Vendor ID is = 0x001077
Device ID is = 0x002312
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x0012ba
PCI Mode = PCI-X 133 MHz
ISP Code version = 3.2.162
ISP Chip version = 3
Link Speed = 2Gb
Local N_Port_id is = 0x454a00
Previous N_Port_id is = 0x454a00
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966a5
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966a4
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x204a006069e2147e
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x1000006069e2147e
Driver state = ONLINE
Hardware Path is = 0/2/1/0
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
Driver Version = @(#) libfcd.a HP Fibre Channel ISP 23xx Driver B.11.11.01

/ux/kern/kisu/FCD/src/common/wsio/fcd_init.c:Jul 16 2003,18:50:14

Info for /dev/fcd1

Vendor ID is = 0x001077
Device ID is = 0x002312
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x0012ba
PCI Mode = PCI-X 133 MHz
ISP Code version = 3.2.162
ISP Chip version = 3
Previous Topology = UNINITIALIZED
Link Speed = UNKNOWN
Local N_Port_id is = None
Previous N_Port_id is = None
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966a7
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966a6
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x0000000000000000
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x0000000000000000
Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
Hardware Path is = 0/2/1/1
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
Driver Version = @(#) libfcd.a HP Fibre Channel ISP 23xx Driver B.11.11.01

/ux/kern/kisu/FCD/src/common/wsio/fcd_init.c:Jul 16 2003,18:50:14

Info for /dev/fcd2

Vendor ID is = 0x001077
Device ID is = 0x002312
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x0012ba
PCI Mode = PCI-X 66 MHz
ISP Code version = 3.2.162
ISP Chip version = 3
Link Speed = 2Gb
Local N_Port_id is = 0x464a00
Previous N_Port_id is = None
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966a9
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966a8
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x204a006069e2145e
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x1000006069e2145e
Driver state = ONLINE
Hardware Path is = 0/4/2/0
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
Driver Version = @(#) libfcd.a HP Fibre Channel ISP 23xx Driver B.11.11.01

/ux/kern/kisu/FCD/src/common/wsio/fcd_init.c:Jul 16 2003,18:50:14

Info for /dev/fcd3

Vendor ID is = 0x001077
Device ID is = 0x002312
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x0012ba
PCI Mode = PCI-X 66 MHz
ISP Code version = 3.2.162
ISP Chip version = 3
Previous Topology = UNINITIALIZED
Link Speed = UNKNOWN
Local N_Port_id is = None
Previous N_Port_id is = None
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966ab
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00003966aa
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x0000000000000000
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x0000000000000000
Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
Hardware Path is = 0/4/2/1
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
Driver Version = @(#) libfcd.a HP Fibre Channel ISP 23xx Driver B.11.11.01

/ux/kern/kisu/FCD/src/common/wsio/fcd_init.c:Jul 16 2003,18:50:14

Info for /dev/fcd4

Vendor ID is = 0x001077
Device ID is = 0x002312
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x0012ba
PCI Mode = PCI-X 66 MHz
ISP Code version = 3.2.162
ISP Chip version = 3
Previous Topology = UNINITIALIZED
Link Speed = UNKNOWN
Local N_Port_id is = None
Previous N_Port_id is = None
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000396885
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000396884
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x0000000000000000
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x0000000000000000
Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
Hardware Path is = 0/5/2/0
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
Driver Version = @(#) libfcd.a HP Fibre Channel ISP 23xx Driver B.11.11.01

/ux/kern/kisu/FCD/src/common/wsio/fcd_init.c:Jul 16 2003,18:50:14

Info for /dev/fcd5

Vendor ID is = 0x001077
Device ID is = 0x002312
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x0012ba
PCI Mode = PCI-X 66 MHz
ISP Code version = 3.2.162
ISP Chip version = 3
Link Speed = 2Gb
Local N_Port_id is = 0x686900
Previous N_Port_id is = None
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000396887
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000396886
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x2069006069e207b2
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x1000006069e207b2
Driver state = ONLINE
Hardware Path is = 0/5/2/1
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
Driver Version = @(#) libfcd.a HP Fibre Channel ISP 23xx Driver B.11.11.01

/ux/kern/kisu/FCD/src/common/wsio/fcd_init.c:Jul 16 2003,18:50:14

# cat syslog.out
Aug 17 14:00:02 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:02 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:02 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:02 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:02 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:02 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:06 server001 EMS [4474]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "CRITICAL (5)" for Resource:

"/adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_2_1_1" (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details:

/opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208071 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_2_1_1 -n 293208079 -a
Aug 17 14:00:06 server001 EMS [4474]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "CRITICAL (5)" for Resource:

"/adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_2_1_1" (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details:

/opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208071 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_2_1_1 -n 293208079 -a
Aug 17 14:00:07 server001 EMS [4474]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "CRITICAL (5)" for Resource:

"/adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_4_2_1" (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details:

/opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208087 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_4_2_1 -n 293208080 -a
Aug 17 14:00:07 server001 EMS [4474]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "CRITICAL (5)" for Resource:

"/adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_4_2_1" (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details:

/opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208087 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_4_2_1 -n 293208080 -a
Aug 17 14:00:07 server001 EMS [4474]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "CRITICAL (5)" for Resource:

"/adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_5_2_0" (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details:

/opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208092 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_5_2_0 -n 293208081 -a
Aug 17 14:00:07 server001 EMS [4474]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "CRITICAL (5)" for Resource:

"/adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_5_2_0" (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details:

/opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208092 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_5_2_0 -n 293208081 -a
Aug 17 14:00:10 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:10 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:10 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:10 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:10 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:10 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:14 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:14 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:14 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:14 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:14 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 14:00:14 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 18:00:20 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 18:00:20 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 18:00:20 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 18:00:20 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 18:00:20 server001 vmunix: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 17 18:00:20 server001 vmunix: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 18 11:20:50 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 18 11:20:50 server001 vmunix: 0/4/2/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 18 11:20:50 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 18 11:20:50 server001 vmunix: 0/5/2/0: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 18 11:20:50 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan
Aug 18 11:20:50 server001 vmunix: 0/2/1/1: Fibre channel host port is OFFLINE, can not scan


If you can see from the logs the line that contains this: Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP. As per suggestion [which resolved the issue btw] from, this could be a port issue:

The "AWAITING_LINK_UP" state describes the problem. Check with your SAN team about the status of the switch port (F-port) to which the HBA is connected.

To which the caller affirm that the FC was improperly connected. But still, there could be some other reason for this. I'll wait for the response/action...

Also, if you can see from the syslog, you can run this for more info:

# /opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 293208092 -r /adapters/events/ql_adapter/0_5_2_0 -n 293208081 -a

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

FTP and IP address

Two issues that struck me today: something to do with FTP and the other, IP address.

1. FTP: A requestor is asking if the files transferred from a source regardless of the permissions will be "converted" to the permissions as defined in the destination server/location. Which led me to some digging.

So basically, FTP permissions can be set. But not without affecting all users, i.e., globally as this is done via inetd. Or you can check these:
A preview:

Sridhar Bhaskarla May 26, 2004 18:47:14 GMT
Set the umask in the ftp session itself. For ex.,
ftp>umask 022
ftp>put file1 file2

Griselda Sanchez May 26, 2004 18:59:24 GMT
Thanks Sri for your advice, but Is there any way to apply this permanent?

Mel Burslan May 26, 2004 19:04:19 GMT

other than what Sri said, you can not set some ftp sessions' umask to something while keeping the others at something else.
/etc/inetd.conf, you will find a line similar to this,

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd ftpd -L 002

where the 002 at the tail end, is the default umask for files put to the server via ftp. you can change this value to set the umask but it will effect every user.

Michael Tully May 26, 2004 19:06:46 GMT

There is no way to set it permanently, other than enforcing these things from within a script wrapper.

Sridhar Bhaskarla May 26, 2004 19:26:20 GMT
As far as I know, you can do it either for all the users by configuring ftpd in inetd.conf with -u option or for a directory using ftpaccess file.
Look at 'man ftpaccess' on directory level permissions. Search for "upload".

Bill Hassell May 26, 2004 22:15:26 GMT
There is no way to change this for a single user. ftpaccess can allow or disallow the use of umask, but not preset the mask. You'll need to script the ftp transfer and includxe the required permission changes in your script. This is easy in Unix, a real pain with Macs and PCs, especially if the end user insists on using a fancy GUI interface.

But, I guess, it would much better to set things within the source thru umask [set it via .profile].

2. IP address [SC#21810036]: This has to be done on a Solaris box. An IP - virtual - (although two were requested), needs to be "un-bind" from the NIC. Here are the some of the info I got:

# ifconfig -a ["pipe"] grep -e -e
hme0:26: flags=1000842 mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask fffffe00 broadcast
# ping
no answer from


# netstat -r

Routing Table: IPv4

Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ------ --------- U 1 84389 hme0:4
6192.44.123.0 U 1 0 hme0:47 U 1 0 hme0:48 U 1 0 hme0:49 U 1 0 hme0:50 U 1 0 hme0:51 U 1 940909 hme0
default UG 11260332localhost localhost UH 417021843 lo0

Routing Table: IPv6
Destination/Mask Gateway Flags Ref Use If
--------------------------- --------------------------- ----- --- ------ -----
fe80::/10 fe80::a00:20ff:fef9:81d4 U 1 0 hme0
ff00::/8 fe80::a00:20ff:fef9:81d4 U 1 0 hme0
default fe80::a00:20ff:fef9:81d4 U 1 0 hme0
localhost localhost UH 1 1736 lo0


I also got some info from this site:

But how?!?

The answer: It was a futile effort. Nothing much to read about.

"only one Interface was there :
removed the interface"

What can get from this?!? SO, I have to know this by hook or by crook or by research. And I found this:



1) There are two ways to remove logical interfaces...
Either do this for each one you want to remove (as root)

# ifconfig hme0:1 down unplumb

or if you want to specify the address you can do this:

# ifconfig hme0 removeif

[ The above shows two ways of removing the 241 address.

2) To see what type of network interface you've got for example, for an ultra system run this as root

# /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v

You'll see a line like this for an hme interface

0 PCI-1 33 1 network-SUNW,hme

Check dmesg for messages after a boot which will tell you the speed the interface initialized and whether it was full or half duplex etc.

3) Use dmesg or look in /var/adm/messages to tell you at what speed and duplex setting the interface is running at

4) To hardcode the interface at a specific speed and duplex, you use the ndd command as root, but most of the time the interface will probably be set to autonegotiate. The autonegotiate facility is extremely useful especially if you have legacy systems on your network that might be running at 10 Mbps as your system will automatically talk to them OK. If you turn off this facility, and you are running legacy network interfaces, you could lose connectivity to them or cause errors, so it would be wise to check this first.

First check whether the general autoneg capability is set to 1 by running

# ndd /dev/hme adv_autoneg_cap

If it's set to 1 then you need to turn it off by doing:

# ndd -set /dev/hme adv_autoneg_cap 0

then if you want to manually set it to 100 full duplex run this:

# ndd -set /dev/hme adv_100fdx_cap 1

and make sure the other settings are set to 0. See the other available settings by listing the possible variables with this command:

# ndd /dev/hme \?

The ones marked (read and write) are the ones you can set.

Good luck


01.28.2006 at 02:45PM PST, ID: 15814641


Hi again

Apologies but I forgot to mention the /etc/hostname.hme0 file.

If the entries had been made permanent for the logical interfaces, then you will need to edit this file to remove the relevant interface entries. This will be needed so that the interfaces are permanently removed and do not re-appear when you reboot. In my original posting, I was assuming that you wanted to do the operation on the fly.

If rebooting isn't a problem, then all you really need to do in order to remove the interfaces is to edit /etc/hostname.hme0, remove the entries and reboot.

Hope this helps


Well, I hope did...

World Clock