
Hello world! This is it. I've always wanted to blog. I don't want no fame but just to let myself heard. No! Just to express myself. So, I don't really care if someone believes in what I'm going to write here nor if ever someone gets interested reading it. My blogs may be a novel-like, a one-liner, it doesn't matter. Still, I'm willing to listen to your views, as long as it justifies mine... Well, enjoy your stay, and I hope you'll learn something new because I just did and sharing it with you.. Welcome!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Scripting 101: Shell Script that uses Perl

Good morning (very sleepy now!).. I promised to myself that I will modify the script that we're using to generate a report. I'm not familiar - yet - with the contents but the thing is, we run this manually every night and then copy it to another directory which make it available to the user/s. It's just another basic modification but I added some "twists" a safety pre-caution or stop unwanted operation - well, that's what I wish, at least.

The main script was made by "Someone Else" (There! I ain't saying it's mine.). In time, I'll interpret the Perl part here.

#! /usr/bin/sh

# This is a modified version.
# Author: Someone Else
# Modified by: ME
# Renamed:
# Date: 23 May, 2009
# Version: 1

CSV_DATE=`date | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}'`
FILE_DATE=`date '+%d_%m_%y'`
LIST_DATE=`date | awk '{print $2,$3}'`
export all

# On top of the original script, hour condition was placed to make sure that it runs only after 17:59 daily.
if [ `date +%H` -gt "17" ]

cd $SCRIPTDIR || {
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Can't change to $SCRIPTDIR; Please \
check permissions..." $EMAIL_ADD
exit $E_NOTCD

# This generates the reports; the heart of the script
for H_LIST in `cat $HOSTS`
echo "Extracting bad names from P2PS: $H_LIST"

# No more manual intervention in changing the dates (CSV_DATE was used - from current date)
rsh $H_LIST cat /path/to/some.log* | grep \
"$CSV_DATE" | grep ptrade | perl -n -e \
'if (m/^.* ([0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*).*Open Failure for (\(.*:.*\)) \
by (\(.*\)) at (\(.*\/net\)).*/) {$_= "$1,$2,$3,$4"; $_ =~ s/[\)|\(]//g;\
print "$_\n";}' > /var/tmp/PT_BadRequests.$H_LIST.csv

sleep 1

echo "Copying /var/tmp/PT_BadRequests.$H_LIST.csv /var/tmp/jf"
cp /var/tmp/PT_BadRequests.$H_LIST.csv /var/tmp/jf
echo "Copy completed for $H_LIST"

sleep 3

chmod 666 /var/tmp/jf/PT_*

rm /tmp/PT_BadNames_*
rm /some/httpd/html/PT_BadNames*

tar cvf /tmp/PT_BadNames_$FILE_DATE.tar ./PT*csv
compress /tmp/PT_BadNames*.tar
cp /tmp/PT_BadNames* /some/httpd/html
chmod 666 /some/httpd/html/PT_BadNames*

sleep 2

rm /tmp/PT_BadNames*
rm /var/tmp/jf/PT_BadReq*

# This was added to copy the newly generated CSVs from /var/tmp to /app/httpd/html site
if cd /var/tmp
for csv in `ls -l *csv | grep PT_BadRequests | grep "$LIST_DATE" \
| awk '{print $9}'`
cp -p $csv /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/
ls -l /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/$csv

# On completion, a mail will be sent to intended recipient/s.
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Bad Name PRIMETRADE Report is DONE" $EMAIL_ADD
exit $E_OK

/usr/bin/mailx -s "Can't change to /var/tmp; Please check \
permissions..." $EMAIL_ADD
exit $E_NOTCD


echo "Not yet..."
exit $E_OTHER

Also, if this script is run manually, which uses csh, copying each file would be "tedious". So, I made a FOR-loop to do it - very basic but syntax is tricky.

% set LIST_DATE=`date +%b" "%d`
% foreach csv (`ls -l /var/tmp/*csv | grep PT_BadRequests | grep "$LIST_DATE" | awk '{print $9}'`)
? do
? cp -p $csv /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/
? ls -l /some/httpd/html/Primetrade_BadRequests/$csv
? end

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Parents' Wish

A little tribute to our parents on Mother's Day.

To Our Dear Child:

On the day when you see us old, weak and weary ...
Have patience and try to understand us ...
If we get dirty when eating ... If we can't dress on our own ...
Please bear with us and remember the times we spent feeding you and dressing you up.
If, when we speak to you, we repeat the same thing over and over again ... do not interrupt us... listen to us.
When you were small, we had to read to you the same story a thousand and one times until you went to sleep.
When we do no want to have a shower, neither shame nor scold us ...
Remember when we had to chase you with your thousand excuses to get you to the shower?
When you see our ignorance of new technologies ... help us navigate our way through those worldwide webs.
We taught you how to do so many things ... to eat the right foods, to dress appropriately, to fight for your rights ...
When at some moments we lose the memory or thread of our conversation ... Let us have the necessary time to remember ... and if we cannot, do not become nervous ...
as the most important thing is not our conversatrion but surely to be with you and to have you listening to us ...
If we ever do not feel like eating, do not force us.
We know well when we need to and when not to eat.
When our tired legs give way and do not allow us to walk without a cane.
Lend us your hand, the same way we did when you tried your first faltering steps.
And when someday we say to you that we do not want to live any more, that we want to die.
Do not get angry. Some day you will understand. Try to understand that our age is not just lived but survived.
Some day you will realize that, despite our mistakes,
we always wanted the best for you and we tried to prepare the way for you.
You must not feel sad, angry nor ashamed for having us near you.
Instead, try to understand us and help us like we did when you were young.
Help us to walk... Help us to live the rest of our life with love and dignity.
We will pay you with a smile and by the immense love we have always had for you in our hearts.

We love you, child.
Mom and Dad

World Clock