
Hello world! This is it. I've always wanted to blog. I don't want no fame but just to let myself heard. No! Just to express myself. So, I don't really care if someone believes in what I'm going to write here nor if ever someone gets interested reading it. My blogs may be a novel-like, a one-liner, it doesn't matter. Still, I'm willing to listen to your views, as long as it justifies mine... Well, enjoy your stay, and I hope you'll learn something new because I just did and sharing it with you.. Welcome!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Scripting 101: Monitoring Autosys Jobs - Changes

When I got to the office today, I started working on the planned changes for the script. 'Though not all, I was able to find a way to implement number 4 from my early list. So here it goes.

Let me establish first the fact that this is primarily designed to address the current setup of jobs that we're monitoring. We already know when it'll be executed so the list is pre-arranged according to time of execution. From which I have considered the changes that I did. And as always, this is a work in progress so bear with me.

First change that I did was to add a couple of lines in the JOB_CHECKER function after the SU_MAILER.

cp -p JOBLIST.txt TEMP.out
sed '1d' TEMP.out > JOBLIST.txt

It deletes job 1 from the JOBLIST.txt as not to waste time when doing a FOR-loop for jobs already marked as SU. It's kinda lame really but am looking for better way to cleanup this mess.

The second one is changing the condition in JOB_CHECKER function.

if [ "$DONE_JOB" = "$ONQUEUE_JOB" ]

was changed to [and DONE_JOB is removed]:


Third is on WHILE-loop. The script exits when there's nothing left [to read] in the JOBLIST.txt. Hence, COUNTER is no longer needed.

while [ "$NO_JOBS" -gt "0" ]

It's still consuming a lot of CPU and I haven't figure this one out yet. To allow "others", after a FOR-loop, I put the script into sleep.

And lastly, a safety net was added in the SU_MAILER function. It'll erase duplicate entries from the exclusion list.

/sbcimp/run/tp/CA/Autosys/v4.0/bin/autorep -J $JOBNAME | grep $JOBNAME | awk '{sub (/:/,""); print $1$2$3}' >> EXCLUDEJOB.txt

awk '!x[$0]++' EXCLUDEJOB.txt > EXCLUDEJOB.txt

I hope I'm on track on improving my scripting skills; always looking forward for a new challenge.

This part was added on 15 April, 2009 at 21:33 SST.

The variable $NO_JOBS was removed. Instead, its value was placed in the WHILE-loop. It was late when I found out that it is NOT being updated. Also, there are times when some of the jobs listed may be invalid for one reason or another. With this, condition was added as well. So the code will be:

while [ `cat JOBLIST.txt | wc -l` -gt "0" ]
for JOBNAME in `cat JOBLIST.txt`

if /sbcimp/run/tp/CA/Autosys/v4.0/bin/autorep -J $JOBNAME | grep "Invalid Job Name" 2>&1 > /dev/null
cp -p JOBLIST.txt VALJOB.out
sed -e "\|^$JOBNAME\$|d" VALJOB.out > JOBLIST.txt


exit $E_DONE

SU_MAILER () is still in the works. I still can't find how to delete duplicate entries while leaving one of them. The "awk" part that previously used was scrapped. It's NOT up to the job. Of course, it's my fault. ;)

I really hope I'll have the flame to continue on this for I started on my new job and is being "forced" to take on Perl which seems great. Now I know that it ain't a scripting language but rather on the grey area between interpreted and compiled. Still a long wayyyyyy. See'ya round.

1 comment:

  1. One of the best ways is to upload your profile in this job site. so that you can get your dream job without much effort. This job site includes the fresher jobs in India and vacancies in Indian cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore etc.


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