
Hello world! This is it. I've always wanted to blog. I don't want no fame but just to let myself heard. No! Just to express myself. So, I don't really care if someone believes in what I'm going to write here nor if ever someone gets interested reading it. My blogs may be a novel-like, a one-liner, it doesn't matter. Still, I'm willing to listen to your views, as long as it justifies mine... Well, enjoy your stay, and I hope you'll learn something new because I just did and sharing it with you.. Welcome!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

VirtualBox 101: Enable USB in Winhoes XP on Mac OS X host (same for Unices)

Hello! Why do I let others keep on forcing me to do things that are against my will (yet I enjoy them)? Crap!

I don't want to jinx but my target for the year is a Solaris certification. I know, I know, I got a very long way to go and steep hill to climb but I'm not that easy to give up!

You might wonder, what the hell is the connection? Anyone care? Well, certainly no one but just want to shout a piece of my mind anyway - remember, I get to write whatever I want, ayt? This is to "force" me to really go for it for I will be judged from here on. Crap! Stressful!

Going back, I got some materials - Tats note, legally obtained - in preparation but the sad part is, it will run only in Winhoes (now, this is really crap!). I really got no choice but to install XP in my VirtualBox. I planned to share folders from my Mac but from what I read, it is still not supported (Note however that Shared Folders are only supported with Windows (2000 or newer), Linux and Solaris guests.). So, I'll use my flash drive (SanDisk Cruzer Micro - 4GB, 16GB looks awesome BUT it burns a deep hole in your pocket!). With this, I have to activate USB in the settings of my Guest OS. After I "checked" to enable it and run my guest OS, nothing showed up in XP. Neither it was detected in VirtualBox yet I can see it mounted in my Mac. I tried to create a Filter with empty details for I knew nothing about it, and still nothing. Now, I was forced to read the user guide (when everything doesn't work, check the manual.. perfect), and I found this to get the info I need for the Filter:

$ VBoxManage list usbhost
VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 2.2.0
(C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Host USB Devices:

UUID: 98ac0131-bc9e-48f1-8dd9-9512cba98fba
VendorId: 0x045e (045E)
ProductId: 0x0737 (0737)
Revision: 1.0 (0100)
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Product: Compact Optical Mouse 500
Address: p=0x0737;v=0x045e;s=0x000005f7ad04cd23;l=0x06200000
Current State: Unavailable


UUID: 796f5590-1ed2-45fc-9c98-6baec073ad0e
VendorId: 0x0781 (0781)
ProductId: 0x5406 (5406)
Revision: 2.0 (0200)
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product: U3 Cruzer Micro
SerialNumber: 08777107D092855A
Address: p=0x5406;v=0x0781;s=0x0000022d92a681f1;l=0x26200000
Current State: Unavailable

Armed, I filled in the details and re-started XP and voila, it's now working. Couldn't be happier.

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